


普通会员 台湾-台北市

擅长设计: 住宅建筑

设计师简介:沈中怡〈美国纽约州注册建筑师〉,1997年毕业于美国哈佛大学建筑研究所,在纽约期间先后任职于Skidmore, Owings Merrill LLP (SOM)及Polshek Partnership Architects LLP,2002年返台成立中怡设计事业有... 详细介绍>>



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标签:设计方案 分类: 住宅建筑

This project is aimed at renovating a historic site into a community center for a residential complex. The main goals are to remove the sense of secrecy and confidentiality associated with the old ...

发表于2023-06-19   阅读 3310
标签:设计方案 分类: 住宅建筑

The project is to renovate a fifty years old house on a hill around Tien-Mu area which is located on preserved area. Due to the local building code, we cannot change the original structure of the...

发表于2023-06-20   阅读 5740
标签:设计方案 分类: 住宅建筑

There is a 99-year-old abandoned Sanheyuan on the site and it will be demolished for a new residential project shortly. We were asked to design a temporary reception center before the construction ...

发表于2023-06-19   阅读 3471
标签:设计方案 分类: 住宅建筑

The site is located within the alleys of the area near the center of Taipei city. The area is filled with old apartment buildings with vary heights and ages, and there is a small park right ne...

发表于2023-06-19   阅读 2630
标签:设计方案 分类: 住宅建筑

Elevating & stacking The site for this project is relatively small for all the required programs. Stacking these programs is the only solution for the project. Parking spaces, two model homes, arch...

发表于2023-06-19   阅读 2422
标签:设计方案 分类: 住宅建筑

既然是「住宅」的售楼处,如何呈现「家」的画面,成为设计上主要的思考,把代表家的传统「院落」建筑与「斜屋顶」转化于设计中,重新诠释对家的想象。 设计之初,以不破坏基地大片绿地的意象为前提,希望呈现出自然、友善的接待空间。有别于传...

发表于2020-01-09   阅读 4351
标签:设计方案 分类: 住宅建筑

伫立于台中市热闹街头的绿色小山丘,没有华丽的外墙、没有通天细琢的梁柱,它有的是清新、温暖的草坪,和不受城市喧嚣打扰的静谧。 呼应销售建案建筑师畏研吾负建筑的设计概念,【勤美之森】售楼处以白色为主体,悄悄地隐藏在一片绿意之中,将城市...

发表于2020-01-09   阅读 1430
标签:设计方案 分类: 住宅建筑

当「绿」与「光」相会,交织出万变的表情,空间中不再需要多余的装饰,基地环境不再需要多余的言语介绍,安静地留予参访者自身的感官去体验! 设计之初,希望保有原基地内众多的树木,并且降低对于邻里环境的冲击,因此我们思考着打破一般售楼处惯...

发表于2019-12-31   阅读 5241
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