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李小强先生毕业于曼彻斯特大学建筑系,后又在北伦敦大学获得建筑学硕士学位。他于2011年成立KYBASTONE设计公司。他最知名的设计包括香港/上海K11,亚太地区的多家卡地亚与香奈儿精品店,以及位于北京/成都美美百货。李先生的设计横跨商业、零售、私人住宅、酒店、办公和装置艺术等多个领域。曾为香港九龙仓与新世界发展有限公司等知名公司提供设计服务。 van Lee, was both a graduate of The University of Manchester School of Architecture and the University of North London’s Masters in Architecture program. He founded KYBASTONE + Partners in 2011. Among his most well-known projects are the K11 in Hong Kong and Shanghai, the boutique shop of Cartier and Channel in many Asian areas, and The Times Outlet in Beijing and Chengdu. Mr. Lee designed a wide range of work in commercial, retail, residential, hospitality, workspace and commercial art projects. ( his customer including The Wharf (Holdings) Limited and New World Development Company Limited etc.
上海K11, 香港K11,武汉K11,香港连卡佛,北京美美百货