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个人特长: 餐饮空间、展示空间、娱乐空间、会所设计、文化空间、陈设艺术我的简介:
黃柏偉 ( Virgil Wong ) 先生在香港出生,畢業於香港理工大學,同年投身設計行業。1987年創辦“御居 ( IBIS )”,專營歐陸時尚燈飾, 翌年創辦“御居室內設計事務所有限公司 ( IBIS Interior Design Associate Ltd. ) ”。 在2002年公司再成立“創造工房有限公司 ( IBIS Creativity Workshop Ltd. ) ”至今。 經過近三十年的經驗, 黃柏偉先生所設計的室內專案,種類繁多。其中以有關餐飲、娛樂、消閒等專案設計別具心得,代表著國內超前的創作理念,設計遍及神州大地,匠心獨運,引起迴響。得到客戶多方面的肯定和讚譽。 Born in Hong Kong SAR, Mr. Virgil Wong is a graduate of the Polytechnic University. He then commenced practice in the field and formed “IBIS” in 1987, a Company specializing in the import of European decorative lightings. The “IBIS Interior Design Associate Ltd”, a more established company was formed next year. “IBIS Creativity Workshop Ltd”, a company that is going from strength to strength was formed in 2002. With 30 years of expertise, Mr. Wongs designer products have covered a vast variety of disciplines like discos, food beverage, leisure entertainment, just to name but a few. His advent-grade concepts have found roots all over the Mainland pioneering innovative creativity with resounding successes, at the same time earning accolades from clients and peers alike.