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黄洁新(Huang Jiexin) 高级建筑及空间设计师,风格极为简约,现代而优雅,极简而细腻,具有明显的极简主义设计标签。2010年创建JAMD简美建筑设计,开始设计事业的追求,致力打造独树一帜的极简设计风格。他的设计崇尚简约,注重设计的空间感及建筑美。 他将奉行的“少即是多”的设计美学思想注入作品中,不但将他的才华展现得淋漓尽致,更得到大家的认可和夸奖,也斩获国内外各种奖项。 除此这外,他还将美学理念延伸至其他领域,凭借简约主义风格以及对空间的独特理解,如今他的业务由初期以简约主义为主及富建筑感的高端私人住宅设计,发展至房地产开发项目,包括样板房、公共空间、会所及大型销售厅等领域。 Huang Jiexin|Profile Huang Jiexin is a senior architecture and interior designer, with a signature design style of minimalism and modernism. In 2010, he founded JAMD Architecture, starting his design career and striving to establish his own unique minimalist design style. He advocates simplicity and pays great attention to the sense of space and architectural beauty in design practices. Through integrating the design concept of “less is more” into projects, Huang Jiexin has given full play to his talents and won various prizes at home and abroad as well as wide recognition and praise. Besides, he has been seeking to apply his aesthetic concept to other fields. With the utilization of minimalist style and his unique understanding of space, his design services have been extended from high-end private housing to real estate development projects including show flats, public spaces, clubs, and large-scale sales centers, etc.